Sunday 19 February 2017

Week 3- Skeletons, Anatomy and the Gothic

Quite a dark title for a rather strange lesson. We were tasked with drawing Mel interacting with a Skelton model and to try out different techniques. One of these techniques involved us drawing with a candle (which was rather difficult as we couldn't see what we created) and then covering it in ink to reveal our drawings. It was so fun to do and I wish I created more of these drawings using the same technique, as they came out looking so creepy and disturbing looking, which is rather fitting for what we actually drawing.
Our homework task for this week was to draw different locations at dusk. I decided to draw the trees and lake at my local arboretum. It was a peaceful and fun task to do, even if it was freezing. I used charcoal for all the pieces and worked back into them using a rubber to create light areas.

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